Saturday, November 6, 2010

Get 8 FREE Photo Books!

Just a reminder----

I have posted this before, but I wanted to make sure everyone saw this!!!  I am currently making several books that are included in this deal and I cannot wait to see them!

Artscow is offering photo book credits like crazy!

Here is their latest deal:

Are you stuck for ideas on what to get for Christmas? Let us tell you, a picture is worth a thousand words. So imagine how many words a self-compiled photo book is worth to your friends and family. Claim six 20-paged 8” x 8” photo book credits and two 39-paged editions by simply validating the code below:

Coupon Code: 888BKS4U
Expiry Date: 11/8/10*
Effective Period: 30 days

(*You must "validate" the code by 11/8/10, but you have 30 days to complete the books from the date that you enter the code.)

If you haven't yet signed up for Artscow, you can head on over HERE to sign up. Then, look on the left-hand side of the page for the "Credits and Discounts" tab. Enter the code above to get your 8 credits. They expire in 30 days, but Artscow has some easy templates for you to use that help you create books in a snap! Their shipping does take a while, so if you are planning for Christmas, I would get these done now. Free books + pay shipping, which is usually very reasonable = GREAT DEAL!

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