For a limited time, you can get a 1 year membership for only $21.00 instead of the regular $35.00 price! This offer is good until the end of April 13, 2010 EST and is not valid for previous purchases.
If you already have a Pixel Club membership, you can still get this great value! Purchase the 1 year membership and we will extend your current subscription out by one year. So if your subscription expires on May 10, 2010 and you purchase a 1 year membership, we will extend your current subscription to May 10, 2011! What a great deal!!
Read more about the 1 year membership! We add new products monthly not to mention you get some wonderful other perks!
Here are just a few of the products that are offered exclusively to our members!
This is a really great deal and the membership is awesome because you can get a TON of really great downloads. It ends up being only $1.75 a month and is definitely worth it for all you get. The sale price ends in just a few days, so hurry over and get this while it lasts! :)
This is the exact reason I'm new to GottaPixel. HURRAY! THANKS TO ALL OF YOU ARTISTS over there!